Badminton School

J3 & J4 Activity Day

Junior School Trips, Visits & Events

In lieu of the planned residential trip for J3 and J4 to the Mendip Activity Centre, they came to Badminton on Wednesday to provide a day of activities. Hoping for dry weather all day, we were rewarded with clement weather and all the activities were able to go ahead as planned.

The morning was spent in the Rough Patch, engaged in what could loosely be described as bushcraft activities. The girls were taught to (safely) whittle wood using knives, to create kindling, and then how to use flints to spark a fire. Following this, they learnt how to throw axes, aiming at targets.

Suffice to say, these activities were highly popular. Relocating to the Astroturf after lunch, archery was the final activity, where the girls learnt how to shoot a bow, before foam tipped arrows were launched at inflatable targets. To end the day, several archery active games were held, where the foam tipped arrows were safely fired at each other, with the inflatables to hide behind.

It was a tremendous day, enjoyed by all.

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