Badminton School

Year 9, The Ghostnet Dress and 'Planet Earth'!

Senior School Art

In Year 9, we have all had the opportunity to create eye-catching and unique pieces of art work for the ‘Planet Earth’ exhibition. They all look stunning and each has a sense of individuality, as well as communicating messages to the on-lookers.

I have several pieces of work in the exhibition, one of which is a Ghostnet Dress. This idea is inspired by a similar dress made by Dr Linda Thomas, who came to Badminton and ran a workshop with us. To make our dresses we used resources found washed up on shore (ghostnet, bottle caps, plastic bottles etc). We also utilised plastic waste donated by many kind parents, pupils and teachers. With the help of our dedicated Art Teacher and Dr Thomas, Year 9 group learnt various skills, including: layered pattern work, composition, painting and macramé.

A new skill I learned in this workshop was macramé; a form of textile created by using numerous knotting techniques. In this project, not only did I learn how to create my own dress using recycled materials; I also learnt about how we should appreciate and care about our planet and that recycling and plastic use is a growing issue in our society. Even though it can be seen as tough to recycle or re-use our plastic waste, it’s still possible.

My other piece on display is the result of a project based on observing birds. In the making of this collage piece, I learnt techniques to create texture surfaces using inks, tissue, papers, watercolour and acrylic paints. I enjoyed learning different mark making techniques. I used my painted papers to cut out feathers and try to capture movement.  At first I found this challenging because it was new to me, but soon I felt satisfied as my work progressed. Looking at birds so closely made me appreciate these exquisite animals more, observing their beauty and colours makes me want to take greater care of ‘Planet Earth’, to protect these creatures.

I and my peers are thankful to the Art teachers and Dr Linda Thomas for giving us the opportunity to create something beautiful as well as learning to appreciate our planet. They helped us to see that you can make the most elegant dress that communicates a powerful message from the materials that are littering the oceans that and hurting our animals and our planet.

Year 9

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