Badminton School

Digital Skills Day 2021

Sixth Form Trips, Visits & Events

With the rapid development of technology, Digital Skills Day was hosted to make sense of the online world. Sixth Form pupils attended a series of lectures where guests and staff covered a wide range of topics.

For example, accurate information and helpful tips were provided in the lectures on cybersecurity; the benefits of online services such as password managers and cloud storage were explained, as well as helping to disprove fearmongering claims related to user privacy.

Careers in digital media were also discussed, providing an insightful look into unconventional jobs. It encouraged pupils to think outside the box and see social media platforms as more than just a pastime.

Pupils actively participated with the lecturers throughout the day, responding to digital surveys and asking questions during Q&A sessions near the end of each 35-minute lecture. Although conducted online, Digital Skills Day was an interactive and informative experience, allowing pupils to know more about technology and the digital age.

Mia (Lower Sixth)

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