Badminton School

Battlefields Trip 2018

Senior School Trips

Last weekend saw the History Department lead a trip to the First World War Battlefields of Northern France to mark the centenary of the end of the war.

The girls visited memorials to British and Commonwealth soldiers as well as those for French and German combatants. We visited the tunnels that run under Arras and the trenches around Ulster Tower and Newfoundland Park. Particularly poignant was the site of one of the largest bomb detonations of the War, where we gathered round a memorial to the women of all nations who served in the War. We reflected on Badminton’s proud history of commitment to international peace.

In lighter moments the girls shopped in the town squares of Arras and Ypres and enjoyed the exceptional weather. An enjoyable and thought provoking time was had by all.

Mr Lewis, Head of History and Politics

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