Badminton School

J6 Activity Days

Junior School Trips, Visits & Events

Last week, the J6s spent three days taking part in some very exciting activities. The first day was spent at ‘MoJo Active’ where they took part in an awesome high ropes course, archery and challenged themselves on the assault course.

The second day saw J6 spend the morning with the company ‘The Detective Project’. The girls spent the morning finding out how crimes are investigated and they collected and analysed evidence, took fingerprints and interviewed witnesses. In the afternoon, we went to the The Downs and spent a lovely afternoon playing games and eating ice cream.

On the last morning the girls divided into two groups, one who went up to the Senior School for a cookery lesson with Mrs Williamson and one group joined Steve from ‘Graffarty’. After break, the groups swapped over. In the cooking lesson, the girls produced some amazing smelling focaccia and in the graffiti art session, the girls learnt how to use aerosol paint to create their names.

The J6s loved their Activity Days and were fully involved with everything that they tried. It will not be long until they leave us and move into Year 7 and it was a privilege to spend such quality time with them all.

Mrs Taylor

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